Friday, March 2, 2012

We Saw Snow!

After another huge breakfast, we loaded into our bus and headed north to the region of Dan and toured the Hermon Reserve.  We had a mixed bag of weather.  We covered with rain gear, with off and on showers in the morning and driving through snow up in the highest points.  We were definately making memories today.  As we drove through the Golan Heights, we visited Caesarea Philippi near the sight of the Transfiguration.  Ruthie shared her knowledge of the modern strategic and political significance of this area.  As we come back to our cozy hotel and huge supper spread, we turn on the news and realize that life is intirely different today for those who were litteraly a stones throw from where we were today.  We will have a lot of stories to share when we get back, and have enjoyed meeting people from all walks of life.  Is is really hard to describe an experience like this.  Photos just don't describe what we see with our eyes, and we are blessed to have Don and Wanda make scripture come to life as we walk on the very cobblestones our biblical forefathers walked on.    It makes a person better understand what Israel has gone through and continues with and why the USA should stand solidly behind them.
Tomorrow we pack the bus and leave the beautiful Sea of Galilee and head south down the Jordan Valley to the Dead Sea and Masada.  I did not have time to upload photos tonight, but hope to have longer than one hour of internet at the remaining hotels.  This one makes it difficult, when my tablet is difficult to copy and paste as well.  We are all grateful that all have taktn in every event. Ruthie says we are real troopers! good night and more for tomorrow, Lord willing.

1 comment:

  1. Love keeping up with you all via this blog!! Thanks for taking the time to update us with the slow internet you have access to! I see warmer weather is ahead...enjoy! Praying for you all each day...that blessings will abound in your hearts as well as your testimony being evident to all you encounter!
