Friday, March 9, 2012

clickable links for photos

If I had it to do over again, I would have taken my laptop along to Israel. It was much harder to upload with a tablet. These are clickable links to the photos.  Now I need to go through the task of going back and reorganizing the photos.  They are not in order of  our trips and sometimes even of the site.  I had a terrible time 'haning on to the link" when I uploaded.  Our connections would time out and I would have to start over and delete duplicate uploads etc, so this is what I got...but was thankful to have some photos to show family and friends back home.  Also, it is hard to tell from the little thumnail where we were, so now the task of going back through and labeling.  BUT...what a WONDERFUL trip we all had!  Thanks to Don, our wonderful host, and to Ruthie, our WONDERFUL guide!!  They made this trip unforgettable for all of us!!!

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